Friday, March 9, 2012

The Cloud chart.

So your lying on your back looking up at the clouds drifting by....that looks like a pirate ship! That one looks like a dragon with a cigar....what do you see?  The types of clouds we usually think about when it comes to cloud watching are called Altos clouds.  Alto literally means middle or mid layer.  They tend to hang out around 6,500 to 20,000 feet and can be made up of ice crystals or super cooled water droplets!  Cool huh!  These types of clouds live in the Troposphere which is a warm moist layer in our atmosphere.  There are two basic types.

  Altostratus clouds have a layered appearance, and in fact, TAH DAH,  Stratus means layered.  These clouds may foretell an approaching warm front.  They usually dont produce any precipitation themselves but when things get lower to the ground into the Nimbus stage....well we'll talk about that tomorrow.

  Altocumulous clouds are high fluffy type clouds that that build high into the Troposphere.  Strange things are happening in these clouds and they usually signal significant instability.  The huge columns that build are a sure sign of moist warm air and this is usually interspersed with cooler dryer air in the lower areas of the cloud.  Remember warm goes up cold goes down.  If you see these clouds in the morning look for possible thundershowers in the afternoon.

Stay tuned for more cloudy interpretation and see you UNDER WESTERN SKIES!

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