When you look for a place to pitch look for a relatively high spot to place your camp. Now be careful here you want a place that's just exposed enough that it will get a breeze but not so much it will blow your house down. You can look for a sheltered spot to place your tent so it doesn't rattle in the wind all night, and then a breezier spot for your camp kitchen since you will be out in the open. If you are using a cook tarp try stitching a strip of velcro around the perimeter of your tarp. Buy some bulk mosquito netting and stitch a strip of velcro to that. After you pitch your tarp you then can hang your mosquito curtain up and be bug free while you eat. This is nice on those really hot still buggy days in June when there is no wind at all. It is also relatively light weight.
Avoid creek bottoms and slow moving water. Some biting flys breed in these shallow alpine streams so steer clear of them. Swamps and brackish areas if your on the coast are also areas to avoid. Pick high and dry spots with good breezes and good views for your next camp and enjoy an evening without the buzzing.
Until next time....see you UNDER WESTERN SKIES! Follow @uwsadventures

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