Sunday, February 5, 2012

Keeping warm 101
  There are all different kinds of sleepers out there.  Some folks toss and turn every night, some sleep the sleep of the dead as soon as they lay down.  Some sleep hot and some cold.  I know people that could be in a zero degree bag on a cool summer night and still be cold!  Sound silly?  Its not as uncommon as you would think.
  First of all, always take sleeping bag ratings with a grain of salt.  The process in which they rate bags is complex and not always very accurate.  If you sleep cold, and you know it, buy a warmer bag....its that simple.  Manufacturers are all different so you may have to test drive a few in your back yard to figure out a good rating for you.  If its a good cold winter night outside pitch your tent...or cowboy camp in your new bag and see if it matches its rating for you.  Its a good idea to build a relationship with your local outdoor store and tell them what you are planning on doing.  they often will give you advice from what they have heard from other customers.
  So now you have your bag and your out in the wilderness enjoying a mountain evening and its a really cold one!  What can you do to stay warm?  Here are some tips:
  • Go into your sleeping bag warm.  See that hill?  Go run up it before bed and then jump in your bag.  A sleeping bag is an insulator.  That means if you go in warm you stay warm, if you go in cold you stay cold.

  • Next put on some clean dry clothes.  Lightweight fleece is nice and takes up little space in your pack.  It can also double as an emergency layer when you need it.

  • Keep a pair of sacred socks.  This is a pair of socks that NEVER leave your sleeping bag.  When you are in your bag they are on your feet.  Theres nothing like a pair of clean dry socks after a long cold wet day.
  • Stuff extra clothing in your bag with you.  All of the little nooks and crannies in your bag that are empty space, require your body to heat...that takes energy and its easy to get cold this way.  Stuff all of the nooks and crannies with extra layers.

  • WEAR A HAT!  and gloves if its really chilly.  Remember your Granny telling you to put on your hat and gloves when you go out in the winter time?  She was smart...most of your heat is lost out of your head so cover your dome.

  • Finally,  if you can afford the fuel or have fire to heat water go to bed with a hot water bottle.  make sure the lid is on tight and try putting it between you ankles for cold feet, or knees for cold legs or wrists for cold hands.

Enjoy your weekend and stay tuned for more tips.

See you Under Western Skies! 

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