So what kinds of things do guides carry?
Yesterday we began sorting through ideas for sleeping bags. We talked about the benefits of down sleeping bags; lightweight, durable, warm, compressible. Today we will talk about the benefits of synthetic bags. Synthetic bags have been around since world war II when the army began experimenting with nylon. They are very durable, usually pretty cheap and can be found almost everywhere. Got a local sporting goods store? Most likely they have a whole shelf of synthetic fill bags. The most popular names for synthetic fills are Primaloft, Hollofil, Quallofil and Excelloft. These are only a few names there are literally hundreds of different types. I have had the best luck with Primaloft and Excelloft for warmth and durability.
Ok now the good stuff! Why synthetic? Synthetic bags are great because even if they are soaking wet you can ring them out and still be warm! That's a huge benefit for traveling in really wet climates. Its also great for kids who bring the bag outside the tent in the dewy grass or let their feet poke out under the tarp and get rained on. They are indestructible and will give years of performance. Now the "not so good stuff".
Synthetic bags tend to be really heavy. A standard weight for a 0 degree bag is around 6 pounds where a down bag is 4-5 pounds for a 0 degree bag. Synthetic bags are also not very compressible and are a bit like packing a bowling ball once you have put them in the compression sacks. That bieng said they are ideal for car camping and kids programs. Even though they are not quite as refined as the down bags they definatley have their place in the outdoor adventure realm!
So there you have it ups and downs of synthetic and feathers. Tomorrow we will share some tips for sleeping warmer in your bag at night. sleeping warmer=sleeping better=happy camper.
Until then have fun and see you soon Under Western Skies.
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