Ditch the Deet! I was 17 years old and a fan of "Jungle Juice" 100 % Deet bug repellent. In a single day it ate my watch, destroyed my headlamp and took paint off my car. Thats the day I stopped putting it on my skin. Research shows us that 35 % deet is just as effective as 100% and lasts almost as long. If you need to use deet try dousing a handkerchief and tucking it under a ball cap. This will keep your ears and neck protected. If you are getting the fly bys in the face try spraying the underside of your ball cap to help thwart mozzies headed for your face.
A lightweight wind shirt is a lifesaver. It is a piece of gear you will probably have with you anyway and the nylon is woven tightly enough to keep the bugs from drilling through. Check out the UWS Pinterest page for some ideas.
Hoods are good. Its one more barrier to get through on really buggy days. If its too hot though try the bandanna method above. When you are shopping for trail pants look for pants that have a really tight weave. Hold it up to the light and if you can see between the weave its too light and the bugs will easily bite through. True it will be warmer and less breathable but choose your own adventure sweaty or bug bitten. You can always walk slower of jump in the creek to wet your clothes on really hot days. The same applies to trail shirts. A tighter weave will offer more wind and sun protection. Not to mention keeping the biters at bay.
Check in tomorrow and we will have more tips about living with your flying friends.
Until then see you UNDER WESTERN SKIES!
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