Monday, February 6, 2012

There is an old saying amongst cowboys..."no hoof, no horse".  The same applies to people and feet.  No foot, no hiker.  Learning how to walk is an art form in itself but finding the right boots and socks takes a little trial and error but usually isn't too difficult.  The most important thing when taking care of your feet is if something hurts, stop.  Take the time to sit down, pull off your boot and sock and look at whats causing your pain.  Usually its whats called a "hotspot".  This is caused by two things, heat and friction.  For a demonstration rub your hands together pressing them tightly and moving them quickly.  Uncomfortable?  You betcha!  Add a little sweat and a few miles and presto...a blister thats going to make your day an unpleasant one.
  There are a few things you can do to keep the agony of defeat from defeating your feet.

  • Clean dry socks go miles to helping out.  When your socks are dirty or crusted with sweaty funk your skin on your feet gets beaten a little harder by that friction and lack of air circulation.  Clean socks breathe better.  Sweat is the enemy!

  • Liner socks are a lightweight synthetic sock that goes right next to the skin and help to wick sweat away.  Again keeping your feet dry and happy.

  • Take your boots off at lunch time.  Wiggle your toes, rinse them off, pick out the toe jam, remember you have to hobble through the wilderness on these two things at the ends of your legs.  take good care of them and they will carry you far!

More foot tips tomorrow, see you soon Under Western Skies.

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